Budget Document Technology is excited to announce that we have begun construction of our new 5,000 square foot addition to our main facility in Lewiston. This addition will more than double our size, bringing our facility to over 9,500 square feet. Added office space for professional staff, an expanded and more private showroom area, and of course greater warehouse capacity are all in the works.

When we moved into our facility in March of 1996, we had approximately seven employees. Wow, have things changed! Back in 1996 there were no digital copiers, color was barely existent, and typewriters were still an office mainstay. Today, Budget Document Technology is a staff of 21 employees and serves clients in multiple states. Our offerings are focused on documents, with solutions for copying, printing, scanning and color. As well as, software solutions for document imaging and cost management, plus comprehensive integration services with complete service plans to manage your office environment.

We hope to be completed with our expanded facility by the end of October, so stay posted for more updates. THANK YOU to our clients for your continued support and confidence. As a Maine-owned company, we understand that we are here to serve, and we look forward to continued growth with you, our valued partners.


Thomas G. Ouellette Steven J. Ouellette
President CFO